I've done other things besides teaching.

Polski has tagged me; he wants to know what kind of odd jobs I had before I became a teacher. Okay, he asked for it.

I have been all of the following:

pot holder maker and door-to-door salesperson
lawn service slave
dime store cashier
line worker in an RCA factory
legal secretary
camp counselor
canoeing instructor
crafts instructor
campcraft instructor
Red Cross First Aid instructor
assistant camp director
piano instructor
trap puller and scorekeeper at a gun club
trapsetter at a gun club
reading seminar lecturer
Laura Ingalls Wilder specialist and presenter
Madeline L’Engle specialist and presenter
Band Booster secretary
Supper Mothers coordinator
G/T presenter
manuscript editor
YA Literature test-writer and speaker
trivia contest writer
deli worker
grocery store cashier


(It didn’t take the RCA people long to realize that it was not a good idea to put a soldering iron in my hands.) (No, not a good idea at all.) (Nobody was seriously hurt.)

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