Thanks, Carnivals, Links, and Opinions. If you have no sense of humor, go away.

Calvin: Dad, how do people make babies?

Dad: Most people just go to Sears, buy the kit, and follow the assembly instructions.


Dad: No. You were a blue light special at K-Mart. Almost as good, and a lot cheaper.



Calvin and Hobbes knows what’s funny.


A big public thank you, dear Michele, for allowing me to guest-host for you today. It was an honor.

The Carnival of Education is over at Jenny D’s this week. Head over there and catch up on many of the issues that just might directly affect your children. We can’t change things if we don’t stay informed.

Speaking of staying informed on all things educational, I do hope you all read Education Wonks on a regular basis. He scours the web for school-type news and posts the good stuff on his blog, complete with links and commentary. It’s awesome; go there! Don’t let educational ‘things’ take you by surprise in the fall; read up and be informed.

I was going to say something about how important a sense of humor is for prospective biological parents while they gripe and boast and compare and laugh at stitches, labor pains, stretch marks, hemmorhoids, and second mortgages, and how important a sense of humor is for prospective adoptive parents while they gripe and boast and compare and laugh at lawyer fees, plane tickets, visa applications, agency red-tape, and second mortgages, and that nothing is impossibly bad as long as you can laugh with/at it, and that whatever the point of origin might have been, the end result is the same: a child who is now your very own, to love and cherish from this day foreveremore, and for whom you would lay down your life, but I guess I won’t now. Details on request.

And speaking of kids, we went down to Louisville today WITHOUT ours. Haha, kids, you missed it. We had lunch at Logan’s Steakhouse, and on the way home, we stopped for ice cream. WITHOUT ANY KIDS!

I thought of you a lot today though, kids. I looked at Six Flags across the parking lot and I remembered how you both used to really love that park. And I thought of you as I walked through the flea market and looked at the displays. I thought things like, “I’m sure saving a lot of money not having the kids here today.” And as we were eating steak? Wow, what a savings there, too.

I still love you, kids. I would lay down my life for you, even though your point of origin gave me hemmorhoids, and even though I was still paying for that point of origin when you started school. But today, we had steak and ice cream without you.

I don’t mind discussing any part of it. I still laugh at most of it.

That is because I have something called a “sense of humor.” It is occasionally inappropriate but it generally saves the day.

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