I remember you, Leon.

I’m wondering tonight if anyone else in the world remembers the guy who ran for mayor of my town on the premise that he would turn the downtown into a Monopoly board. . . . .and almost won the election.

Come on, guess! It’s the same guy who organized the Banana Olympics on campus.

This is the guy who dressed in aluminum foil, stuck deely-boppers on his head, and hung out at the Post Office holding a big sign that said “All aliens must register.”

He was one of the most brilliant political science students the university had ever known. I couldn’t care less about that. Well, I CARE; that’s just not how I think of him.

But I sure remember the Monopoly board, and the bananas, and the aluminum foil.

I’m shallow that way.

Leon, are you still out there designing upside-down office buildings? Organizing nude mud-slides in midwinter?

Those were the days. These college kids nowadays don’t know how to have fun.

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