Regarding the violent kindergarten student who was handcuffed by the police and taken away in a patrol car. . . .
Am I the only person in the world who thinks that if we all calm down and think about it rationally, we could probably hear the neighbors applauding?
I’m sorry for the child, but aren’t all those other children in her classroom important too? Why should sweet precious well-behaved children with decent citizenship have to put up with a classmate who is repeatedly life-threatening, obnoxious, disruptive, and dangerous?
I don’t think they should. I don’t think anyone should.
There comes a time when the rights and safety of the other children should take priority over the self-esteem and “stated opinion of choice” of a violent child. Get her the hell out of the classroom and let the good kids learn something besides the fact that society, these parlous days, seems to favor those who choose to behave poorly over those who choose to behave properly.
I’m not a mean person, honest. I’m just tired of putting up with this scheisse. Our children deserve a safe haven inside their school building.
(By the way, I went to the Genuine Bash too! Doesn’t anybody remember me there?)