All kinds of 'messes.'

Well, it’s over. The kids are gone again, and I’m left with a VERY messy house.

It’s Christmas mess, and I both love and hate it.

I love it because it’s the Christmas mess, and it represents family and togetherness and fun, and it’s wadded giftwrap and bits of ribbon and shredded styrofoam and SLABS of styrofoam and empty boxes and funny-shaped pieces of cardboard and candy wrappers. It’s little (and big) pieces of cellophane, invisible on the carpet unless the light is juuuuust right. One can also find those by slipping on them and nearly (or actually) falling on one’s large butt. It’s those metallic gold coin wrappers that the kids kick under the furniture. I am still finding those in midsummer.

I hate it because the Christmas mess means the Christmas fun is over.

The snow is so deep, Belle had to leave her car in town at Grandmother’s house. She brought Zappa down with her, so a few minutes ago Hub drove them both away from our house so they could drive home to their own homes. She has to go back to work today.

I’m not sure I will ever get used to my kids talking about “home,” and having it NOT be this house.

The Cat stayed inside all night. He dozed and paced all over Belle’s bed, and awakened her constantly with his snoring. I told her it was practice for marriage.

The kids couldn’t fit all their loot in Hub’s truck, so on top of the mess I also have several large black garbage bags of Christmas loot, to be taken ‘home’ after the snow has melted enough to let a regular car come down the driveway.

It’s always (okay, ‘usually’) hard to say goodbye to my kids. I kissed them and hugged them and told them I loved them. I think Zappa was sleepwalking.

And after all this precious sentimentality, and as they were walking through the garage to the truck (we can’t even open the front door because of the snow. . . . .) Belle turned and said “Mom, I smelled cat poop down here but I can’t find it.”

And they were gone.

Darn Cat.

I guess I’ll go downstairs after while and conduct another poop hunt. The search isn’t really that bad, but first prize really sucks.

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