The post where I apologize in public.

I certainly never intended to actually offend anyone with my (apparently) feeble attempts to convey my opinion about a certain situation in an (apparently not) humorous way. I’m sorry that this person took offense, and I will try to convey my opinions about (apparently) touchy scenarios in a more sensitive light from now on.

Annnnd, maybe he should, too.

(That post was supposed to be funny, people. I guess it wasn’t, to some people. One person.)

Something else that’s funny: A dozen people who think you’re nice and one who thinks you’re awful. And all I can concentrate on is that one. His assumptions were hurtful.

There are several definitions for ‘funny’ in the dictionary.

Anyway, I’m sorry somebody was offended. I’ll try to do better.


The post where I apologize in public. — 18 Comments

  1. Hey, bottom line is that it’s your blog. Your forum to speak your mind and say what you think without censorship. There’s always going to be somebody that doesn’t like it, but you can’t please everybody blah blah blah.

    Nice blog!


  2. Hey, bottom line is that it’s your blog. Your forum to speak your mind and say what you think without censorship. There’s always going to be somebody that doesn’t like it, but you can’t please everybody blah blah blah.

    Nice blog!


  3. I guess I Commented on the wrong post …here is my comment posted below:

    I’m happy for you that you have very loyal readers, that is great. Some may be a bit rabid, but nothing wrong with that. Although some of those guys telling me to lighten up with such venom, its like screaming at your kid to stop yelling.

    Obviously I took your post too seriously, I’d like to say that I’m the first to admit when I’m wrong, but it seems that a dozen or so readers did that before me.

    There is no need for you to apologize publicly or privately. I think that, much as you believe that I misread your intentions, I believe that you misread mine. You didn’t offend me, I was just speaking my mind. I guess that will teach me to voice an opinion.

    As for the commenter who thinks I have no sense of humor, read the last line of my comment on my site. It’s funny, or it is meant to be.

    And I apologize, Mamacita, that my assumptions were hurtful. Not my intention.

    I guess we got off on the wrong foot, I actually like your writing very much…Take care.

    Gary M.

    # posted by Anonymous : 5:59 PM

  4. I guess I Commented on the wrong post …here is my comment posted below:

    I’m happy for you that you have very loyal readers, that is great. Some may be a bit rabid, but nothing wrong with that. Although some of those guys telling me to lighten up with such venom, its like screaming at your kid to stop yelling.

    Obviously I took your post too seriously, I’d like to say that I’m the first to admit when I’m wrong, but it seems that a dozen or so readers did that before me.

    There is no need for you to apologize publicly or privately. I think that, much as you believe that I misread your intentions, I believe that you misread mine. You didn’t offend me, I was just speaking my mind. I guess that will teach me to voice an opinion.

    As for the commenter who thinks I have no sense of humor, read the last line of my comment on my site. It’s funny, or it is meant to be.

    And I apologize, Mamacita, that my assumptions were hurtful. Not my intention.

    I guess we got off on the wrong foot, I actually like your writing very much…Take care.

    Gary M.

    # posted by Anonymous : 5:59 PM

  5. For what it’s worth, I enjoy reading your blog and get a little laugh every time. I’ve never been offended by anything you’ve said.

  6. For what it’s worth, I enjoy reading your blog and get a little laugh every time. I’ve never been offended by anything you’ve said.

  7. I agree with the comments above. The behaviour you were referring to was that of obnoxious children with very few if any table manners and obviously not enough parental control. You did NOT referr to children with physical or mental disabilities. I think the party in question who took offence needs to look at your original rant again and grow a thicker skin.

    Regardless – you have a right to your opinion, and even if you were arguing that the sky was green when all around you are screaming blue, this is YOUR blog and as such this is YOUR place to have that opinion and to voice that opinion. NEVER feel you have to apologise. You are bright, articulate and funny! Don’t go changing to try and please the masses because you will never succeed.

  8. I agree with the comments above. The behaviour you were referring to was that of obnoxious children with very few if any table manners and obviously not enough parental control. You did NOT referr to children with physical or mental disabilities. I think the party in question who took offence needs to look at your original rant again and grow a thicker skin.

    Regardless – you have a right to your opinion, and even if you were arguing that the sky was green when all around you are screaming blue, this is YOUR blog and as such this is YOUR place to have that opinion and to voice that opinion. NEVER feel you have to apologise. You are bright, articulate and funny! Don’t go changing to try and please the masses because you will never succeed.

  9. Honestly, I think you should retract your apology. There is a difference between seeing one child who is disruptive, and seeing various children not associated with each other that are just out and out miscreants. My best and dearest friend is a special ed teacher, her kids are autistic, and you can tell children that have disabilities. (Or maybe I’ve been around them long enough I can tell…my bias here???)

    Anyway, one overly sensitive parent does not require an apology. Perhaps he should have reread your story and approached it from a non-biased angle.

    Madame Butterfly

  10. Honestly, I think you should retract your apology. There is a difference between seeing one child who is disruptive, and seeing various children not associated with each other that are just out and out miscreants. My best and dearest friend is a special ed teacher, her kids are autistic, and you can tell children that have disabilities. (Or maybe I’ve been around them long enough I can tell…my bias here???)

    Anyway, one overly sensitive parent does not require an apology. Perhaps he should have reread your story and approached it from a non-biased angle.

    Madame Butterfly

  11. I am a teacher in a classroom for children with behavioral challenges. Actually, it is a whole school just for that purpose. And let me tell you, my students behave (eventually). They learn to. All human beings can behave civily with the right help and assistance. Yes, it takes more work on my part and some hard-learned tricks of the trade. But it is not fair to Gary’s child that his father holds the view he can’t learn to behave. It just takes more consistency and patience on the part of the adults. Just like all kids can learn to read, even when they have a learning disability. They just need more help.
    By the way, my honeymoon was nearly ruined because the resort we stayed at in Mexico was overrun with screaming obnoxious children who pushed their way ahead in the buffet line and disturbed our meals constantly playing tag and yelling around our tables.
    Children live up to whatever standard is expected of them.

  12. I am a teacher in a classroom for children with behavioral challenges. Actually, it is a whole school just for that purpose. And let me tell you, my students behave (eventually). They learn to. All human beings can behave civily with the right help and assistance. Yes, it takes more work on my part and some hard-learned tricks of the trade. But it is not fair to Gary’s child that his father holds the view he can’t learn to behave. It just takes more consistency and patience on the part of the adults. Just like all kids can learn to read, even when they have a learning disability. They just need more help.
    By the way, my honeymoon was nearly ruined because the resort we stayed at in Mexico was overrun with screaming obnoxious children who pushed their way ahead in the buffet line and disturbed our meals constantly playing tag and yelling around our tables.
    Children live up to whatever standard is expected of them.

  13. I didn’t see what transpired but try not to let it get to you too much. I know how it is though, one negative out of many positives is what we dwell on. Keep on bloggin.

  14. I didn’t see what transpired but try not to let it get to you too much. I know how it is though, one negative out of many positives is what we dwell on. Keep on bloggin.

  15. Oh please. I don’t see where you owe anyone an apology. So he’s the parent of a child with some type of behavioral challenge. Fine. The house apes of which you wrote are not in that category. There was no excuse for their behavior other than a lack of willingness on someone’s part to control them.

    My heart goes out to parents who genuinely struggle with children who cannot control their behavior. I’ve seen more than a few over the years. But he’s being over sensitive in my opinion. You weren’t talking about HIS child! And just because some children can’t help themselves in NO WAY gives a free pass to every little rug rat who gets ants in his pants during dinner.

    Nope, no apology necessary, m’dear. None at all.


  16. Oh please. I don’t see where you owe anyone an apology. So he’s the parent of a child with some type of behavioral challenge. Fine. The house apes of which you wrote are not in that category. There was no excuse for their behavior other than a lack of willingness on someone’s part to control them.

    My heart goes out to parents who genuinely struggle with children who cannot control their behavior. I’ve seen more than a few over the years. But he’s being over sensitive in my opinion. You weren’t talking about HIS child! And just because some children can’t help themselves in NO WAY gives a free pass to every little rug rat who gets ants in his pants during dinner.

    Nope, no apology necessary, m’dear. None at all.


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