Booooo, and ho, ho, ho.

I am so old, I actually remember when holidays took turns manifesting themselves. Holidays didn’t step on each other’s toes. One holiday waited until every trace of the previous holiday was gone. Stores waited until the day after Thanksgiving to put out their Christmas merchandise. Valentines were sold only in February. Carols played over loudspeakers only in December. Peeps were sold only in the springtime. Peanut butter kisses could be found only in October. Dinosaurs ruled the earth.

Not like nowadays.

Holidays meant more when we experienced them one at a time. They were more fun, too. A major part of any holiday is anticipation, and when something lasts too long, it loses its individual thrill. A person can’t look forward to something if it’s all around him five months out of the year. Where’s the coolness of transitory celebration?

I’m frankly creeped out by Holiday M&M’s in October. Christmas decorations were never meant to be displayed side-by-side with cauldrons and ceramic ghosts. Cornucopias are not part of summer decor. Grass seed and candy canes have no business sharing shelf space.

I know, I know. . . . it all boils down to money.

Maybe if we all went on strike, and refused to purchase holiday things until it was TIME for that particular holiday. . . . .

Oh well. Rant over.

I think I’ll drive down to the 24-hour WalMart, and buy some Halloween candy, a Thanksgiving centerpiece, and a box of candy canes.

If I wait till it’s really time, they’ll be stale.


Booooo, and ho, ho, ho. — 18 Comments

  1. Gah! I too, hate the overkill of holidays these days. I distinctly remember one year when I walked into a store in AUGUST and they were already putting out their Halloween stuff!! WTF?!

    This is one of the main reasons I have gotten so burnt out on Christmas. Case in point: Halloween night I was watching the Family Channel’s “13 Days of Halloween,” when a commercial came on for their “25 Days of Christmas!” CHRISTMAS. This on Halloween. Gimme a break. Seeing that kind of crap just makes me want to say Bah Humbug! and go back to bed until March.

    And, like during, what I lovingly refer to as Drowning In The Local Lake-a-Palooza (i.e. Labor Day/Memorial Day & The 4th of July), I’m anxiously awaiting reading about Christmas’ first shopping casualty (i.e. the woman who was trampled last year at Walmart, trying to score a $15 DVD player). ‘Tis the season to be flattened! Fa la la la la la la la la

    -Kirk 🙂

  2. Gah! I too, hate the overkill of holidays these days. I distinctly remember one year when I walked into a store in AUGUST and they were already putting out their Halloween stuff!! WTF?!

    This is one of the main reasons I have gotten so burnt out on Christmas. Case in point: Halloween night I was watching the Family Channel’s “13 Days of Halloween,” when a commercial came on for their “25 Days of Christmas!” CHRISTMAS. This on Halloween. Gimme a break. Seeing that kind of crap just makes me want to say Bah Humbug! and go back to bed until March.

    And, like during, what I lovingly refer to as Drowning In The Local Lake-a-Palooza (i.e. Labor Day/Memorial Day & The 4th of July), I’m anxiously awaiting reading about Christmas’ first shopping casualty (i.e. the woman who was trampled last year at Walmart, trying to score a $15 DVD player). ‘Tis the season to be flattened! Fa la la la la la la la la

    -Kirk 🙂

  3. I received my first Christmas card in the mail this past week. It was one of those heartwarming newsletters that I hate. In the first paragraph it stated: “hope we were the first ones to beat the rush, enjoy ALL the holidays that have begun.”
    I was so tempted to send it back stating, “Ditto!!”

    I wonder if she handed Pilgrim hats to the trick-or-treaters?

    First time here: great blog!

  4. I received my first Christmas card in the mail this past week. It was one of those heartwarming newsletters that I hate. In the first paragraph it stated: “hope we were the first ones to beat the rush, enjoy ALL the holidays that have begun.”
    I was so tempted to send it back stating, “Ditto!!”

    I wonder if she handed Pilgrim hats to the trick-or-treaters?

    First time here: great blog!

  5. I keep coming back here. I feel like I get not only a humongous belly laugh but also a great deal of wisdom. You are one incredible lady, lady. Funny and wise, and that’s a rare combination. You got it. Humour and wisdom, summed up by you. You should have a column in the New York Times or someplace, where everybody in the world could read your thoughts. Wow. Anyway, thanks again for making me laugh and for making me think. Later.

  6. I keep coming back here. I feel like I get not only a humongous belly laugh but also a great deal of wisdom. You are one incredible lady, lady. Funny and wise, and that’s a rare combination. You got it. Humour and wisdom, summed up by you. You should have a column in the New York Times or someplace, where everybody in the world could read your thoughts. Wow. Anyway, thanks again for making me laugh and for making me think. Later.

  7. I totally agree with you! I LOVE Christmas, but it seems a bit silly to me to have it in the stores already. And eating those Easter Cream eggs year round just can’t be good for me!

  8. I totally agree with you! I LOVE Christmas, but it seems a bit silly to me to have it in the stores already. And eating those Easter Cream eggs year round just can’t be good for me!

  9. You have just posted about one of my all time greatest pet peaves.

    Thank you.

    It is a good feeling when you run into another sane individual.

  10. You have just posted about one of my all time greatest pet peaves.

    Thank you.

    It is a good feeling when you run into another sane individual.

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