Mamacita says:  All this talk about how it’s the teacher’s fault whenever a student does badly at school. . . . I can’t help but think that these people must blame the photographer if their kid is homely.  Isn’t it – sometimes – the same thing?

Photoshop faces or abilities or personalities all you want: if you throw glitter on a dungheap, it’s still going to stink.

Before some of you arm yourselves and advance upon my home with lit torches, please be aware that I am in NO WAY discussing SPED.

I am, however, talking about students who refuse to work and parents who still expect them to be promoted, play sports, go to the prom, and wander the halls if they so desire because after all, Billy knows best about what he wants when he goes to school, and that hateful Ms. SkullDroppings has had it in for him ever since he accessed all that porn on her computer during lunch that time.  She didn’t even appreciate his expertise  in picking her lock, or in his mad computer skillz.  I mean, reallllllly.  (Bitch)  (It’s all right, Billy, Mommy understands you.)


A photoshopped picture isn’t really a picture of someone.  It’s only a picture of what that someone wished he/she looked like.  It’s a facade, with all the reality removed.

And any grade, privilege, promotion, award, etc, is. . . well, it’s a facade, too.  It’s fake.  It’s a facade, with all the reality removed.

Ooooh, shiny!  Pretty!

What stinks?

I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes!

Hitting the fan like no one else can...

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Scheiss Weekly by Jane Goodwin (Mamacita) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.